Sculpture Tasmania Inc. plays a vital role in the cultural and social life of Tasmania by building upon the understanding and recognition of the important and beneficial role sculpture plays in its community. Our dynamic and dedicated friends come from a diverse range of backgrounds and give their time generously to support artists, encourage the community’s enjoyment of sculpture as well as to help them connect with events.
The aim of SCULPTURE TASMANIA Inc. is to exhibit and promote sculptural practice in Tasmania as well as to exhibit and expose greater state and national arts practice to the local arts community.
Chairperson Sculpture Tasmania Inc Report 2023
The 2022 year ended on a high note with the quirky Ross Tin Can Sculpture Show which encompassed the main street of Ross for two weeks. Curator Ella Boas was delighted with the diverse entries which bought the Thistle Inn Stable Gallery to life along with the involvement of the business house who joined in the celebration by decorating their shop fronts with creative sculptures designed in Ross and further afield.
I would like to announce, with sadness, our secretary Mhairi Revie has resigned from the board due to commitments interstate. The board would like to hear from any member willing to fill the vacancy of secretary and join our vibrant and congenial board.
The new board is pleased to announce the introduction of MoST HoST in 2023, a series of gatherings for Members and Friends to be held on the last Thursday of each month. Please add these dates to your diary.
The January 25th 2023 MoST HoST will be a Curators Talk by Patrick Sutczak, curator of ART RAGE 2022 at QVMAG 2 Wellington St Launceston. Patrick will meet us in the foyer of QVMAG at 1.00pm for an informative afternoon viewing a selection of Tasmania Year 12 student works. A free Tiger bus to QVMAG Wellington St from UTAS Inveresk is available. Register your intention to visit on the website www.sculpturetasmania.com.
Tuesday 28 February 2023 MoST HoST gathering will meet at 373 Deviot Rd Deviot at 1.30pm for an Eco Paper Dying Workshop run by Maureen Kingsley. Maureen has had a career in teaching, art and environmental sustainability. The three-hour workshop will be conducted in Maureen’s studio amongst the natural environment of her house block. Cost of the day is $35.00; all materials and afternoon tea will be provided. The workshop is limited to 8 – 10 people. Book by texting Maureen on M 0408 233 808. See you on the day.
The March 30th 2023 Most Host gathering at Silo Hotel Lounge 5pm to discuss up coming events and ideas. All welcome.
Regards Bec Watson.
Support established, emerging and student Artists of sculpture in Tasmania
Enrich cultural and artistic diversity by encouraging all Tasmanians to enjoy and participate in the activities of Sculpture Tasmania Inc.
Offer voluntary and fundraising support, and
Inspire the love and appreciation of Sculpture in Tasmania.
Becoming a ‘MoST’ delivers an opportunity to connect with and enjoy the company of Artists, Curators, Arts Facilitators and other like-minded people in a creative, energetic and enjoyable atmosphere. MoST enjoy access to a range of special events including curator presentations, exhibitions, workshops, behind the scenes tours and concessions to ticketed events.
By being a ‘MoSt’, you are encouraged to participate by assisting with the promotion and coordination of, and the running of Sculpture Tasmania Inc. events. During exhibition periods Members of Sculpture Tasmania are welcome to assist the installation and de-installation, during launches and artist talks, in the information tent, with program sales, survey collection and visitor liaison. At targeted social, promotional and fundraising activities, MOST’s are asked to encourage the Tasmanian community to visit and enjoy Sculpture Tasmania Inc.’s events. MoST’s can also share their skills within educational programs by assisting with the facilitation of Artist’s workshops.
How it works: when you purchase a membership you will be asked for basic info. We will process this application and provide you with a unique code. When you make other purchases through Sculpture Tasmania, apply this code at checkout for a discount. Your membership is valid from the 1st of January to the 31st of December. Membership must be renewed at the beginning of each year in order for you to benefit.
For existing members:
We are giving you the opportunity to sell in our online store! Sculpture Tasmania has introduced a MoST SCULPTURE SHOP on our web site for the sale of sculptures to a wide audience within Tasmania and beyond.
The aim of the SHOP is to increase the artist’s profile, and to build a network so artists can become part of the sculpture family. Check out what we already have here: https://sculpturetasmania.com/sculpture-tas-store/store For anyone interested, please download and complete the form provided, all instructions are provided in the document.