The object of the Aspects/Ruffins Bay Project is to improve and enrich people's understanding, appreciation, and connection to place in West Tamar.
The project will do this by bringing together the aboriginal and local communities, artists, research, and historians to collaboratively interpret identified sites of historic, architectural, and environmental significance in the Rowella/Sidmouth area.
This multidisciplinary Project will develop interpretative works that will provide an opportunity to communicate ideas and feelings relating to the West Tamar. Enriching the understanding and appreciation of the area, and the inhabitants role within it.
The Ruffins Bay project will enhance the overall visitors experience of the West Tamar and generate content that can be shared across a range of platforms. The project has the potential to create opportunities through on-site presentations and personal face-face guided experiences.
The project will be in partnership with Waterton Hall Wines, Reconciliation Tasmania, the Beaconsfield Mine and Heritage Centre and RantArts.

Expressions of interest from artists, researchers/historians, architects, musicians, dancers, filmmakers *and more are now open.
For more information and EOI FORM
*if you are unsure if your chosen field/area qualifies please get in touch to discuss.